Community Leadership Programme


National and local research provides evidence that one of the most disadvantaged groups across the country include citizens from a vulnerable and socially deprived background for example, women who are Black, Asian and from Minority Ethnic groups (BAME), young people, people with physical, sensory and learning disabilities, people with mental health issues, dementia, diabetes and other health related long term conditions. There is now strong evidence to show people from BAME backgrounds have a lack of input in decision making across public sectors, and a lack of employment at senior positions including on various NHS Boards or Governing Bodies.

The Community Leadership Programme was designed to address some of the issues highlighted above. The community leadership programme involved working with a cohort of people from the African and Caribbean faith community across Greater Manchester. 

The overall aim:

To project developed the leadership knowledge, skills and behaviours of 27 Caribbean and African faith leaders working at grassroots level It offered the participants the opportunity to develop and apply leadership capabilities and competencies to impact change for their community. The programme proactively engaged participants with Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership decision makers and other leaders across the health and care sector to work with faith leaders to exchange learning.

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