Black Cultural Anti-racist Programme (BCAP)

Would you like support to develop anti-racist practices within your organisation – register for our Black Cultural Anti-racist Programme (BCAP) today.



1. To incorporate knowledge around reality, equality equity justice and liberation

2. To provides the cultural, racial and intersectional lens to equip participants with ways to develop cultural humility and hence anti-racist practices within their organisation


B-CAP Objectives

1. To provide a direct interactive 3-hour learning programme that delivers cultural humility training

2. To provide strategies and tools that identify ways to embed training into everyday practices (this would be a reflective form EDI type section, questions)

3. To provide a tool that reaffirms learning and ongoing review of anti-racist practices (this will be the decolonisation bit)


BCAP Approach

1. Identify the problem

2. Address the problem

3. Implement the change

4. Sustain new ways to become an antiracist organisation


BCAP Outputs

The impact and change from B-CAP over the longer term would be to reduce the impact that colonial practices bare on the lives of Caribbean and African people. This will involve continued strategic collaboration and partnerships with the wider system and sectors that influence these outcomes for Black people.


Course Duration: 3 interactive hours

Target Audience: Staff and their volunteers

Number of Participants: 10 – 15 per sessions

Cost of Training: Dependent on number of sessions per organisation.

For further information and to book a session please email:

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