Name of applicant
Type of Activity Proposed
2-Zero Manchester | Football for men (physical activities to support Black men’s physical and mental wellbeing) |
African and Caribbean Community Association | Covid-19 vaccination and health promotion |
African Caribbean Care Group | To meet increased demand for ACCG’s Daily Meal Delivery Service |
Blossom Foundation | Re-building Our Relationship Project: for mothers and daughters |
Cancer Care Diaspora | To enable 20+ volunteers to provide support to over 30 families, building on existing work to sustain outreach activities and meet rising demand; ethnic food provision, IT equipment, travel costs to get to appointments, arranging extra tuition support for children; provide practical and emotional support |
Can-Survive UK | UPLIFT (Unite People to Live, Inspire, (move) Forward (and) Transform) Project: a schedule of wellbeing activities, workshops and therapies |
Caring and Sharing Rochdale | To provide ethnic food, hygiene products and travel expenses support (and “support with topping up electricity and gas”) |
Christ Enlightened Outreach Ministry | Impact Makers Post-Covid-19 Outreach: emotional and practical support, festival, group events, training of new staff and volunteer |
Command Prayer Centre Ministries Int | Continuation of culturally appropriate foodbank provision |
Ebony and Ivory Co Stockport | To develop a youth community hub run by young people for young people, offering vocational skills in Cooking and in Music, safe space and other support |
Edo Diaspora UK | Men’s wellbeing sessions given in Pidgin English |
Grace Community Outreach Centre | Music-based activities involving venue hire |
Guinean Society of Greater Manchester | Help connect members via zoom, employ professionals and organise information-sharing sessions around wellbeing and virtual group physical activities, to help reduce social inequalities; culturally-appropriate foodbank support |
Heaton Mersey Village Cricket Club | Open Day Event (Community Cricket Match), Black History Month (Awards Evening), Wellness Camp |
Highway Hope | To sustain and scale-up of HH’s existing activities; the caring neighbour initiative – food parcels and physical and emotional support, café and pastoral care |
Home Advantage International | Online mentoring/coaching sessions for parents, spouses and their families |
Hope Circle | A free Saturday supplementary school to help children with mathematics and sciences focusing on foundational years, years 7, 8 and 9 |
Idaraya Life CIC | Mama’s sports club: weekly 1hr opportunity for mothers (especially those with children under 5 years of age) to come together and engage in physical activity while having their children cared for by a childminder during the school term time for a single academic year |
Integrity Neuropsychology Services CIC (INSneuro) | Interventions, training and support for agencies and individuals with neurological and psychological symptoms relating to long-Covid |
Know Afica CIO | Supply and improved coordination of food bank and related activities |
Kyso Project CIC | Develop young people’s leadership and skills around communication, decision-making, team working, problem-solving, activity planning, personal safety and peer education. To be delivered via a summer residential course and a day trip out of the local environment |
Louise Da-Cocodia Education Trust | To deliver a holiday camp at Easter: programme for children aged 6-16 involving sporting activities, arts and crafts and orientating skills to enable participants to develop new skills, build confidence and engage in face-to-face interactions |
Manchester Christian Education Academy | After School Clubs and Summer School project for under-privileged children supporting academic attainment |
MEaP Academy Community Education Centre | Learning new life skills, offering digital and online skills training to parents to be able to support children with their online learning and digital skills training to mental health clients to overcome isolation and loneliness |
MFLCC | Educate The People: to dedicate resources to upskilling and providing guidance/knowledge to older members of the community who have seen greater restrictions due to health, social and financial reasons. To equip these individuals with basic IT (including internet navigation) to ensure digital inclusion and enable them to access online resources to aid their health, wellbeing and job prospects. Also, talks, visits and social opportunities for all ages; food packages |
New Step for African Community (NESTAC) | For additional wages of two existing bilingual cross-cultural mental health specialists to work eight extra hours each per week and provide incentives to two bilinguals trained mental wellbeing peer mentors for working alongside the specialists, all providing individual and group therapies to the ‘hard-to-reach’ groups of men |
Rainbow Centre | The Cheetham Health Improvement Programme will seek to use the idea of “Marginal gains” to enable users to make small incremental improvements in their lives to help address the “root cause” of lifestyle choices that lead to chronic disease |
RCCG Strong Tower Church | Party in the Park August 2021; musical equipment for youth and adult musical sessions and workshops; a day trip for young people; a barbecue summer event for young adults and professionals bringing participants together to share ideas, allow social interaction, networking and to build mutually beneficial relationships |
Rehoboth for Families, Children and Young People | Boys to Men: strengthening the family institution through community engagement support for men |
Rekindle School | The Village: to run the accompanying adult education strand of their existing activities with children It Takes A Village To Raise A Child; to run monthly 3 hour events for adults in the community to come along and benefit from the curriculum; to provide monthly sessions for family learning |
Restore Life | Health and fitness classes for local people; to increase the number of volunteers; food parcels |
Sahara Nutrition | Wellness programme: to improve health through targeted nutrition and health education |
Sickle Cell Care Manchester | To build the knowledge base, information and advice on SCCM’s website |
TAP The African Pot Project Ltd | Creativity-based events and services offering education, health and community support to reduce loneliness and isolation and promote family/community |
The Apostolic Church Manchester | Continued support of Kitchen Pantry in response to COVID19, to provide fully prepared, pre-packaged, culturally appropriate meals to individuals, enabling people to receive emergency food and also provide families who are struggling to make ends meet |
The Beacon Community Centre | Largely to continue TBCC’s two main food-related projects and their running costs along with starting three new smaller projects offering free services to the community; cafe, culturally based food for those on low incomes; stay and play parent group; litter-picking; to foster good community links, openness and positive experiences |
The Black United Representation Network CIC | Restore Strengthen & Scale: a free contract readiness programme to build the capacity of businesses and organisations who want to be equipped with skills, competences and know-how to win £100k+ public sector contracts and become bigger, stronger, more resilient |
The Mountain of the Lord’s House | To continue to support people who require culturally appropriate food and to host a weekly coffee morning for 6 months |
The New Man Ministry (TNM) | A film project aimed at youths in the local community focusing on tackling youth crime and gang violence |
The Tree of Life Centre (Compassion Foodbank-Restoration House) | To expand the rollout and reach of the Compassion Foodbank and Restoration House to improve health and wellbeing, increase social inclusion and access to relevant and appropriate information and guidance and to improve the skills and experience of volunteers |
Visible Outcomes 4U | To continue providing Information advice and guidance provided by Level 4 qualified worker and community social worker covering: housing, the take up of the coronavirus vaccine, employment, welfare benefits and signposting to immigration and debt experts |
Warm Hut UK | Continuation of wellbeing support project |
Women Arise | Afrofit sessions: to raise awareness among women of the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle; to engage women in physical exercise through music of their preference |
Wonderfully Made Woman | “Confident Me” Project aimed at empowering women, reducing poverty, and inclusive growth, training re: physical and mental well-being, financial independence, self-awareness and confidence |
World Harvest Christian Centre (Manchester Oldham Salford Stockport Tameside) | One-hour long dance classes twice a week for six months; each week one hour for fitness class and one hour for liturgical/ fast dance |
Contact Details
Carribean & African Health Network
07853 556 591