cahn campaign

Organ Donation

CAHN is delighted to be working in partnership with NHS Blood and Transplant to raise awareness of organ donation in the Caribbean and African community across Greater Manchester. Currently, there is a limited amount of tailored, targeted cultural and religious information of organ donation and transplant for the Black Community. This lack of information includes the perceived or assumed cultural and religious barriers to organ donation.


The objectives of Precious Life Savers are to:

1. Raise awareness of the organ donation
2. Recruit potential donors who would sign up to the Organ Donor Register (ODR)
3. Engage with faith leaders to discuss overcoming barriers to organ donation
4. Collate any concerns about the proposed change in organ legislation
5. Recruit champions to maintain and promote the awareness of organ donation.

Precious Life Savers seeks to implement faith-based outreach programmes to promote a shift in behaviour and attitudes towards blood and organ and transplantation and increase consent of deceased loved ones.

Working with Churches

Research indicates the importance and effectiveness of health prevention and health promotion interventions in faith-based organisations. Faith leaders are deemed to be instrumental in motivating others in church congregations to take more responsibility for their health. Faith leaders will therefore be the catalyst for behaviour and attitude change through heightened health literacy workshops linking this to biblical theology. Faith leaders will provide safe spaces for the conversations about organ donation in order to attract congregants. 
We are engaging African Pastors followed by visits to a number of Black majority churches. The goal is to recruit more Black donors thereby increasing the number of ethnic matched donor transplant recipients to increase survival rates and hence better outcomes for those requiring transplant.

Professional Support

We are pleased to have Specialist Nurses for Organ Donation SNODs) working with church leaders and the wider community to develop trust. Resources will be developed to increase knowledge across the community through the creation of a culturally sensitive information that increases awareness and benefits of organ donation. Resources are available to support the training of champions/advocates with lived experience of donor families and organ recipients.
To request a visit to your church/organisation/group or further information about getting involved please contact Charles on or 07575 579377.

When you donate your organs, you can save up to 9 lives! 


Let us all stay informed about the organ donation process as a community. You can register you interest here: 


#NHS #OrganDonation 

Are you unsure about how the organ donation process works? We recommend that you educate yourself before you decide whether to donate your organs. 


Find more information here: 


#NHS #OrganDonation 

There are over 6,000 people on the waiting list for an organ donation in the UK. You can help them by registering to be an organ donor. 


To register, please visit: 

Are you aware of the significance of organ donations in 2021? There are still people on the waiting list in need of an appropriate donor. You can help them by joining the Organ Donation Register today. 


To register visit: 


#NHS #OrganDonation 

Before deciding whether or not to donate organs, it is really important to acknowledge risks and implications of doing so. 


If you think you meet the requirement to donate register here: 


#NHS #OrganDonation