cahn campaign

Black Health Manifesto

Caribbean African Health Network Black Men’s Health Forum The Manifesto.

The Black Caribbean and African Men’s Forum consists of men from across a range of intersecting identities and was established to provide a platform to share issues of importance, in relation to their health and well-being. The evidence-based data reflects their own lived experiences and reveals significant information on the state of Black men’s health and wellbeing. Despite the data, action that drives universal and sustainable change is not evident in policies and practices. 


This manifesto therefore incorporates the views of a group of Black men on matters they believe, the next government should prioritise to address some of the health and wellbeing challenges they face.

The voices of Black men are different to the voices of other groups. It is therefore imperative that we advance knowledge and understanding of Black men’s health issues within andvacross society; in order to change attitudes and eradicate practices that serve as barriers to Black men receiving quality health and wellbeing care.

This manifesto calls for fundamental changes to be made in the provision and dissemination of programmes and initiatives that enhance greater understanding, promote awareness and improve the overall health and well-being provided to Black men of African Caribbean heritage.


Black Women's Health Manifesto

As the UK swiftly heads towards 4th July and one of the most critical general elections of our time, the Black Women’s Health Manifesto (BWHM) collective has outlined EIGHT progressive policy/action recommendations for the next government to advance inter-generational Black women’s health.


The BWHM collective is an informal coalition of individuals and groups, including Black women with lived experience and expertise across different intersectional identities. These include representatives from community organisations, clinicians and researchers that are united by an ambition to co-create a shared vision and tool to guide the transformation of Black Women’s Health and wellbeing across their life course; harnessing current relevant data, evidence and community driven insights.


We call for the next government to go far beyond vague, unaccountable policies to clearly defining and delivering on intentional and bold commitments. Embracing the words of the American poet and actiivist, Maya Angelou, “as we know better, we must do better.”

Black Children and Young People

The Black Children and Young Peoples manifesto aims to tackle the deeply entrenched systemic inequalities and widespread challenges faced by Black children and young people in Britain. This manifesto is the result of a comprehensive and inclusive process, involving direct input from the youth through focus group discussions and surveys. These discussions were very vital in capturing the authentic voices, experiences, and aspirations of Black youth, ensuring that the manifesto accurately reflects their needs and perspectives.

In the words of Martin Luther King Jr.:

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation

where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character.”