funding CAHN 

Current Funders

Project Name Locality Project Brief Funder
Precious Life Savers (Organ Donation Project)
Across GM
Raising awareness of Organ Donation in the Caribbean & African community via groups & churches.
NHS Blood & Transplant
Knowledge Access Screening Opportunities (KASO)
Raising awareness of CVD and developing resources in English and French
Salford CCG
Caribbean & African Community in Wigan
Bringing together Caribbean & African people living in Wigan to decide what changes they want to see and work together towards it.
People’s Health Trust
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Project
Across GM
Raising Awareness of DV & SV. Promotion of Counselling Support
Ministry of Justice and Greater Manchester Combined Authority
Counselling Service
Across GM
Providing practical support and counselling for Black people
Greater Manchester Health & Social Care Parternship (NHS & Greater Manchester)
Black Health Improvement Programme (BHIP)
Across GM
Cultural competency training and support for primary care
Greater Manchester Health & Social Care Parternship (NHS & Greater Manchester)
Spring Wellness and Vitamin D Campaign
Health Pack – Wellness Leaflet, Vitamin D, Face Mask, Hand Sanitiser, Resistance Band
Manchester City Council & Manchester Health & Care Commissioning
Spring Wellness and Vitamin D Campaign
Health Pack – Wellness Leaflet, Vitamin D, Face Mask, Hand Sanitiser, Resistance Band
Manchester City Council & Manchester Health & Care Commissioning
Healthy Hearts
Across GM
Physical Activity and Nutrition session
Global Majority Grants Programme
Across GM
Health education session led by Black doctors on different topics
Near Neighbours
Collective Community Response Meeting
Across GM
Community meeting to discuss issues in the community and also to celebrate various Black-led organisations
Kuponya Cafe
Across GM
Raising Awarenss of Suicide Providing a safe space for individuals to speak about the impact of suicide.
Monthly meetings for 3 months March April May 2021. Aim to reach 30 people
EAP (Employees Assisted Programme)
Across GM
CAHN to provide a black-led culturally competent employee assistance program for black people in the work place
To work with various organisation across GM. To provide EAP service for their Black employees
Advocacy Service
Across GM
Employment, Housing, Healthcare
Resourcing Racial Justice
Across GM
Stroke, research, etc