The Core20PLUS5 Community Connector Programme

Core20PLUS5 is a national NHS England approach to support the reduction of health inequalities at both national and system level. The approach defines a target population cohort – the ‘Core20PLUS’ – and identifies ‘5’ focus clinical areas requiring accelerated improvement (NHS England, 2022).


The Caribbean & African Health Network (CAHN) was commissioned to run Core20PLUS5 initiative in Greater Manchester working with the Caribbean and African community to codesign, co-produce and evaluate pathways. 

 The five areas of focus are: 


  • Cancer
  • Maternity
  • Severe mental health conditions
  • Cardiovascular disease (Hypertension)
  • Respiratory disease (COPD)



CAHN currently works at strategic and operational levels to prevent and influence decision making on some key health conditions that are affecting Caribbean and African people disproportionately such as diabetes and certain cancers.

A Core20PLUS5 connector on this programme is an individual with a lived experience of an inequality. They work in partnership with decision makers to ensure that primary care services are as good as they can be for those accessing those services. This role recognises and values the lived experience and the importance of connecting that lived experience with those making decisions in primary care services.

Through this Core20PLUS initiative connectors work with key leads in CAHN to explore tailored solutions that will engage our communities better and help address the health inequities. Connectors continue to use their learning to apply it to their own lives or that of others they care for across the 5 clinical conditions


Connectors Testimonial during the period of training

“I saw the Core20PLUS5 community connectors role as an opportunity to make significant improvements in health and well-being within my community. We are receiving clear useful information that would go a long way in making us equipped for the role. I believe strongly in this movement. I see this connector role making a significant impact on how BAME people experience healthcare”.

Please click the link below to hear from some of our connectors

CORE20PLUS5 Community Connectors Testimonial




Connectors Testimonial Pre- allocation to PCN’s and Neighbourhoods

“I can see myself developing in the role and making a positive impact on my Manchester community to help people have a better health experience. I can see this role introducing opportunities and sustainability as a new career direction for me. I see people’s voices being heard more. I also see the role being sustainable because it brings value for money for the investment and more initiatives like this can have a positive effect on outcomes and help to reduce inequalities”.



Connectors Testimonial whilst on placement to PCN’s and Neighbourhoods

“I thought I knew what was going on in my neighbourhood until I became a connector. This role has given me the opportunity to know more about the activities, initiatives and project going on in my area. I have learnt so much and have positioned in places of opportunities to improve my skills and also contribute my quota in addressing health inequalities for the black community”.

 “My engagement with the team in my Neighbourhood has been very rewarding as I have able to connect some local community groups to the neighbourhood team to working together of a project focus on 1 of the core health priorities of CORE20PLUS5 initiative”.

Dr Mo Miah Shares his experience on the difference the connector role has made to his practice and to patients.

Core20plus5 Community Connector engagements: Testimonial from PCN key contact v1.2


Rasheed Adigboluja shares his experience working as a community connector with team members of some General practices in GM using his lived experience to add improve service users’ health outcomes.


Core20plus5 Community Connector engagements: Testimonial from Neighbourhood key contact v2.3

Flore Gode Bolefo shares her experience as a community connector engaging with health care providers and members of the community to understand the barriers to access to primary care and ways of improving maternal care.

Core20plus5 Community Connector engagements: Testimonial from Neighbourhood key contact v2: 1